Translation and Language Services

Translation and Language Services

Our team is at the ready to provide tailored, world-class language solutions to serve all your professional language service needs.



Any other languages may be considered by request and on a case-by-case basis.


At the hands of our team, translation is more of inter-lingual discourse analysis. Your words, their shadows, and senses are safely shipped from one cultural, functional, linguistic shore to another. We promise your document won’t smell translated.

We will be your tongue while delivering your precise message to your target audience. Let us handle the how of the linguistic aspect and your event (i.e., conference, meeting, field visit, etc.) will flawlessly flow.

We take pride in the quality of our interpretation services, which are brought to you at the hands of top-caliber interpreters with relevant sector experience.

Be it a consecutive or simultaneous mission, we are confident that our interpreters will help your event, or even a doctor’s appointment, meet its ends.

With Ritaj, your audio and visual materials will be accessible by your target audience in their mother tongue language.

Our subtitle translators are fully aware of how to strike the balance between the picture that speaks volumes, the sound, and the linguistic message in pursuit of enjoyable, accurate audiovisual material.

Ritaj’s extensive experience in co-facilitation and interpretation led us to develop a specialized team where the interpreter not only translates from the source language to the target language but complements the trainer as well.

This service has been developed to fit workshop and training settings.

At Ritaj, we cater our content writing solutions to outstrip your expectations. We will help you flesh out your ideas in the best way possible in writing.

With nearly two decades of experience, we are the best suited to make the best out of your unedited documents. Shoot them our way, and we will have them ready for publication in record time.

We tailor our editing services to meet your requirements.

Errata, typos, common mistakes are part of the course of writing. Put your feet up and relax as we ensure your document is linguistically error-free.

Our Translators...

Ritaj constantly thrives to incorporate experienced, industry-specific translators among the team.
Educated in Palestine and abroad, the team has developed solid translation skills as well as cultural awareness to ensure that messages are received as intended.

Our diverse team members are currently residing in the United States, Canada, and across the Middle East, as well as Palestine. This ensures continuous language and cultural development, as well as being exposed to up-to-date changes in a multitude of industries.

Our Interpreters...

Ritaj’s interpreting team has a proven track record in delivering professional interpreting services with experience among team members ranging between 9-19 years.

All team members follow a standard preparation process for any interpreting event to ensure quality and the highest accuracy in conveying the message.

Our Team Leader...

Ms. Nisreen Musleh has over 19 years of experience in the field of language services particularly translation, interpreting, and editing.

In 2007, she has established and now is the Team Leader of Ritaj’s Language Service Department. Her core value is to maintain top-quality deliverables on every assignment. Her role involves strategic planning, capacity building, and driving opportunities for language services in both local and international markets.

She has also implemented the triangle approach for each project–to have a team of translators, editors, and proofreaders for each translation project–that proved its efficiency via customer satisfaction surveys.

Our translation methodology

Ritaj’s team seamlessly manages translation assignments based on the following methodology.

  1. Build a glossary to unify terminology among the translators working on the project
  2. Ensure that all graphs, footnotes, or any other parts of the document are open source and can be reproduced in the target document
  3. Submit a sample part of the document for technical approval by client
  1. Clarify any needed terminology, check for reference material 
  2. Agree on the suitability of the set deadline and target document review process
  3. Assign someone from the client’s staff to proofread the document
  1. The team leader assigns the translation projects and oversees the translation process
  2. Translators edit the translated target documents
  3. Team leader proofreads and confirms compliance with assignment’s glossary
  1. Client receives the documents in target language for review and feedback, if any
  2. Team leader follows up with client in case any further edits are needed.
  1. Make adjustments as per client’s feedback

Sample of our clients

Let us contact you

Our Language Services Department Coordinator is standing by to discuss how Ritaj may serve your needs.

Kindly fill the following form (English or Arabic) and we will call you:

مبادئ إدارة الموارد البشرية (HRP)

(HRP) مبادئ إدارة الموارد البشرية

محاور التدريب

تشمل الدورة العديد من المحاور الأساسية في إدارة الموارد البشرية أهمها

التعريف بإدارة الموارد البشرية وأساسياتها وفق المفاهيم الإدارية المعاصرة: حيث يتعرف المشاركون على نشأة وتطور مفهوم إدارة الموارد البشرية ومدى أهميتها وحاجة المؤسسات إلى الإدارة الفاعلة لها

توصيف وتحليل الوظائف: حيث يتعرف المشاركون على أهم طرق تحليل الوظائف والوصف والتوصيف الوظيفي للوظائف المختلفة بحيث يستطيع المشارك في نهاية الدورة على القيام بتحليل وعمل الوصف والتوصيف الوظيفي لكافة الوظائف الموجودة في المؤسسة وفق المفاهيم المعاصرة والطرق الحديثة حيث يشمل ذلك كيفية جمع وتحليل البيانات والمعلومات الخاصة بذلك والاطلاع على أهم طرق جمع المعلومات اللازمة لهذا الغرض

التعرف على مفاهيم الاستقطاب والاختيار: يتعرف المشاركون على مفهوم الاستقطاب والاختيار سواء الداخلي أو الخارجي وأدوات عملية للاستقطاب وطرق الاختياروالتعرف على الاختبارات العقلية والذهنية، والفيزيائية، والشخصية، .. الخ

مقابلات اختيار الموظفين: يكتسب المشاركون المهارات اللازمة لإجراء مقابلات اختيار الموظفين سواء كان المشارك في وضع إجراء المقابلة كصاحب عمل أو التعامل مع مقابلات الاختيار من جانب كونه متقدم للوظيفة. كما يتعرف المشاركون على أنواع مقابلات العمل المختلفة وفق تصنيفها الحديث

التدريب والتطوير: ويشمل ذلك تهيئة الموظف الجديد وكيفية إعداد برنامج متكامل لذلك، كما يتعرف المشاركون على عملية تطوير وتدريب الموظفين الجدد والقديمين من خلال اكتساب المهارات اللازمة لتحديد احتياجات التدريب وتصميم برنامج تدريبي وفق النماذج الحديثة بالإضافة إلى التعرف على أنواع التدريب وأحدث طرقها وكيفية تقييم مدى فاعلية ونجاح البرنامج التدريبي الذي تم إجراءه

تقييم أداء الموظفين وإدارة الأداء: يتعرف المشاركون على كيفية وآلية تقييم أداء الموظفين بشكل فاعل وفق المعايير والمفاهيم المتعارف عليها دوليا كما يتعرف المشاركون على كيفية إجراء مقابلات تقييم الأداء مع الموظفين

الحوافز والتعويضات والمزايا: يتعرف المشاركون على أهم نظريات التحفيز الحديثة، وعلى أنواع المزايا والتعويضات المتعارف عليها الهادفة إلى الاحتفاظ بالموظفين والارتقاء بأدائهم من أجل تحقيق الأهداف والنتائج المطلوبة

مقابلات العمل: يتعرف المشاركون من خلالها على بناء علاقات العمل السليمة وآليات بناء علاقات مستدامة ما بين أصحاب العمل والموظفين

الجوانب القانونية: التعرف على واجبات وحقوق صاحب العمل والعاملين وفق قانون العمل الفلسطيني من إعداد وصياغة عقود العمل وحل النزاعات بما ينسجم مع القوانين المعمول بها في فلسطين

لمعرفة المزيد قم بتعبئة النموذج التالي (انجليزي أو عربي) وسيقوم مستشار التدريب بالاتصال بك

Professional Translation Certification – PTC

Professional Translation Certification (PTC)


Upon completion, the trainee will be better able to:

1. Identify research resources
2. Utilize technology tools to generate translated text
3. Translate more accurately and less literally
4. Critically proofread a translated text
5. Analytically defend one’s own translation
6. Translate from and into legalese


  • Introduction of trainers and guest speakers
  • Methodology
  • Outline
  • House rules
  • Kick-off assignment
  • Research resources for translators
  • Online search techniques for translators
  • Hands-on dictionary use techniques for translators
  • Expert advice
  • Common paralinguistic mistakes
  • 10 MS suite tips for translators
  • Writing skills: simplicity, clarity and elegance
  • Common errors and pet peeves
  • Approaching a text
  • Translation techniques
  • Translation strategies
  • Target text proofreading
  • Pre-submission checklist
  • Terminology building techniques
  • Media translation
  • Political translation
  • Business translation
  • Literary translation
  • Introduction
  • Legalese
  • Legal Drafting
  • Legal jargon
  • How to become a MoJ certified translator
  • What to brand?
  • Where to brand?
  • How to locate and land jobs on local, regional and international markets
  • 3-hour final assessment test

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

PTC is tailor-made to meet the needs of the labor market in the field of translation, it serves both experienced and inexperienced translators to elevate the translation skills. Accordingly, the prime focus of PTC is on professionalism. Safe to say that PTC is not a level-based but a competency-based training, it starts with boosting your research and analytical reading skills, utilizing your technological devices, building your terminology, and reaches to approaching translation as a process, the types of translation and the techniques of avoiding literal translation. PTC provides you with the appropriate reading plan that goes hand in hand with the topics discussed throughout the training course to foster your knowledge.

Bearing in mind that the translator usually gets in touch with a variety of documents, especially in case he/she works at the Palestinian labor market; the chances of getting a job opportunity as a specialized translator in one only field is little to none compared with the capacity of the market. Therefore, PTC gives the prime focus on the process, approaches, and stages of translation among a variety of topics. To list some: we focus on legal, commercial and social translation, so the first stage before getting to be specialized, and in introducing you to the steps upon which the translator gets to improve his/her skills in the desired topic.

Yes! The certificate is approved by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. The goal of this training is to enable you to enter the labor market, and to that end, we at Ritaj offer our trainees two job opportunities if proved to have excellent performance throughout the training course.

Yes! PTC has a specified section that handles preparing and studying for the Palestinian Ministry of Justice Translation Certification Examination.

Yes, you are examined twice, once prior to the course, and once after.

No, you can only take the course by attending the sessions at Ritaj’s premises.

Yes, it is a requirement to have a BA degree in language, education, or in another related field.

Yes! The first job opportunity you will be met with is at Ritaj in the Department of Languages and Translation.

The trainers are professional and experienced translators and practitioners.

The minimum requirements needed to succeed in this training:

English proficiency
Very good command of Arabic and English
Strong professional development motivation
Basic computer and MS skills
To learn more fill the following form (English or Arabic) and a training consultant will call you: